Monday, November 23, 2009
The Magic SchoolBbus Inside The Earth
This book is about a class that goes on a field trip in side the earth . There teachers name is called miss Frizzle she is a teacher with a magic school bus . Fun Facts for every kid .
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Cabbage Patch Fib
This book is about a boy and a baby this baby was a different colour than normal babies. It was found in the cabbages in the boys garden . The next day he brought her to school all the boys laughed at him when he changed his Nappie and the girls copped him because they thought it was a learning experience on how to change a yuck Nappie and to change there own clothes on there own baby that they practice on . He isn't aloud to play sport because if he hurt the little one he would be in the biggest trouble he has ever been in. His sister said that he could not last one day with that baby and when someone else went to hold the baby it would hold it's breath and when Chris holds him he lets his breath out . Chris said he can't put up with this silly thing any more and he went back into the garden and layed the baby down and then it started to hold it's breath . Cris felt bad so he picked up the baby and then the baby let his breath out. When he was just sitting out side with his sister they sour a cabbage mum and it took it of Cris and took it back to her world but the funny thing was that when she picked him up he didn't cry this book is written by Paul Jennings and i think this book was a good book because it was exciting and funny because it was a boy that was a mum to a cabbage child. I think this book is a 9 out of a 10 and i think that this book is a good series and i would like to see more people reading these type of books what do you think of this book get this book out at your local library .
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Stink And The World's Super Stinky Sneakers
This book is about a boy and his super extreme smelly sneaker. His class goes to a stink field trip and they smell the yuckiest smell ever that you have ever smelt . There teacher tells them there is a smell shoe contest coming up and she gave one to stink and said i will be watching all of the smelliest shoes that get entered . So he said he was defiantly going to win the contest because everyone said he had the smelliest shoes in the class but he didn't now that someone else in the class had some very smelly shoes as well as his very fantastic smelling shoes of his own. The contest came by very quickly and when stink went to enter they said that one of the judges was sick so they said it was canceled since he was sick so there teacher said that there was no more stinky shoe contest but stink said what about my smelling noise and they said the shoe must go on so it did and stink got taught how to smell extremely icky stuff like stinky day old skunk smell and old peanut butter . Stink said number thirteen was the worst one he has ever smelt and his helper agreed with him because it smelt like the smelliest thing you could imagine and stink announced the winner and he didn't now witch one was his friends . He said that the worst smelling shoe was number thirteen and his friend was number thirteen so she came up and got her prize and she said stink how did you now it was me and he said i didn't now but you have the smelliest shoes in the world. I think that this book would be a good book because it has a very good title that is based about the book . I think this a great book because it is very exciting through the whole book i think i give it a 10 out of 10 because of it's existing through the whole book . The author is Megan McDonald and i think that this author is a great author so get out this book next time you go to the library .
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sprite's Secert
This book is about a girl and a pixie the pixie comes and tells her that she needs to help her catch pixies . From the other world violet gets a shock because she is the only one to no about the pixie live . There is a pixie on the loose and she has to catch it before it hurts anyone it goes and tapes on kids heads and they can't get out of the spell Violet gets tapped on the head and she gets into a spell but sprite helps her get out of the spell and then she had to help Sprite get out of the spell. The pixie is called pix and he is the play pixie and he is the sliest pixie their ever is and she can not get out of a spell that's what pix thinks. But she is just tricking him so she can help save the kids and save the world and that is what this story is about and i think you should read this book because it will make you like this Aurthur Tracy West.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Party Pony
This book is about a girl that helps her friend and helps a pony that her friend owns . She goes to her friends party to set up all the decorations they are all pony shoes . She has to help decorate sparky the pony because she gives rides to other children when they went to get Sparky she was glopping around the paddock the girls thought that it was a bit strange because she had never done that before but they didn't think any think of it so they took Sparky and brushed her but then she neighed and they looked at her tummy there was a big mark so they told her dad and she called up her mum and dad so that they could have a look because they were docters for pets . They said it was just a bee sting but she can't pull any kids untill it goes away .
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Pixie Sprite
This book is about a girl that looks for pixies the girls name is violet she has a friend that can see them as well . She has a pixie friend that goes where ever she goes. This is an ordinary girl that likes pixies she sings about them in her story this is part of the song that she plays on the way to school 7 more pixies to go and she repeats that a lot of times. If you haven't guest she caches pixies that a wizard let go from the other world . There is a pixie on the run she is called sport and Violet has to catch her by playing soccer that is her baddest sport . Violet has to beat sport but with out magic because sport cheats by using magic and you have to beat sport with her own game . Sport makes the blue team Los the first game but the blue team wins the second game because they said sports name back words three times witch is trops . That made her not use her magic to win the game so it was even for the blue team. Sport got put back to the other world and ''she won't come back again they'' said . I think this book was good to read because if you like pixies or soccer you should grab a good book like this one if you want a short book to read and if you like won just to read something this would be your book.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Cat Lady

This book is about a lady that loves cats. She can tell if the people have died and come back to live in a cat's body. She just looks in every cat's eyes and sees if they are a normal cat or not. This lady is known as the "CAT LADY''. There were four kittens born on January 22nd 1901 the very day the Queen Victoria had died. There were three tabbies and one ginger cat. The cat lady picked up the three tabbies to see if they were female or male. When she picked up the ginger cat she looked straight into her eyes and said ''oh your majesty'' because the cat was Queen Victoria. The next day she wanted help as she was getting older so she put up a advertisement in the local newspaper. A girl appeared at the cat lady's door and she was freezing since it was snowing. So the cat lady said, "come in, come in" and she gave her a hot drink and some food. She sold some of her cats and keeps the girl at her house so she could help out with the food and other things around the house. A cat got stuck in the cellar where the girl was. She got stuck because the girl shut the door on the cat. The cat lady is just about to die. The cat lady got turned into a cat because she died. I think you should read this book because it will make you like cats even more. Even though it's a sad story you will like it if you have a book that you already think it is the best. Then you will soon change your mind after you read this book.
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